Introduction: is a collaborative global website of organizations engaged in Abrasive products and machinery manufacturing, worldwide. We believe that in the very near future businesses will have to maintain some type of presence on the Internet (Web) if they want to remain competitive. The growth rate of both the Internet and World Wide Web are so staggering (75 million users from 40 million last year) that failure to establish a firm footing right now has almost become inevitable.. a must for every business. We also believe that the technologies and tools presented to the business community should be available to all businesses at affordable cost, and we in India are in position to deliver just the same. The underlying technology that allows a first-class presence on the Net is not all that expensive as it has been projected by most of web-presence-providers. For this reason, we created, not to cash in and make big bucks , but to provide cutting-edge, first class web presence solutions (design and hosting) to every entrepreneur and business worldwide, at a affordable price.
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